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The Grayzone
‘Green’ billionaires behind professional activist network that led suppression of ‘Planet of the Humans’ documentary
‘Planet Of The Humans’ EP Michael Moore & Director Jeff Gibbs Blast “Blatant Censorship” After Controversial Documentary Yanked From YouTube
Michael Moore-Backed ‘Planet Of The Humans’ Extends YouTube Run, Reports 8M Views
“Planet of the Humans challenges our assumptions and our arrogance. It asks us to face what we have done, experience the grief, and then allow our hearts to consider an entirely new path into the future.“
“Planet of the Humans is a game-changer designed to spark an intense and meaningful debate over an urgent issue.”
East County Magazine
“Planet of the Humans reveals astonishing and profound revelations about the green energy movement that I guarantee you will have never heard before. The film takes no prisoners.”
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